MacOs: Automator notes

In case of problems, add the in Security/Privacy/Full Disk Access might help („Die Aktion … konnte nicht über die benötigten Daten verfügen“).
The stored workflows are in ~/Library/Worflows and scripts in ~/Library/Scripts
To manage folder actions type „Folder Actions Setup“ into Spotlight („Ordneraktionen konfigurieren“ in German)

High kernel_task cpu load on Macbook Pro

There are plenty of posts on the kernel_task problem of MacBooks (Pro). There is no single solution for this problem. Often you can’t do anything about it except getting a new MaBook. But here is a (incomplete) list of things that might help:

  1. Yeah, the obvious one. Reset SMC, NVRAM and PRAM (doesn’t really help in my opinion)
  2. Plug the charger into the right USB-C
  3. Check your USB-C hub / dock. Maybe plug in in the charger directly if you’re not happened to own a Caldigit T4 hub
  4. Check your display settings: Disable „High Dynamic Range“
  5. Check your display settings: If you’re using a high resolution like 5k2k try different sync rates. I switched from 60 to 30Hz and that seem to alleviate the issue a bit. And for office purposes 30Hz is ok (at least for me)
  6. Got Settings -> Power Adapter -> Switch on „Lower Power Mode“
  7. Clean the fans (be careful when opening your Macbook and no guarantee that this will help)

Connection refused with local development proxy

I use koa-proxies for local development. Recently, all of a sudden the proxy stopped working, i.d. the routes where correctly mapped (add logs:true to config), but when I called the service with the proxied port, I only got 503 from the backend.
After tearing my hair out, I check /etc/hosts file and removed the ip6 localhost entry (::1 localhost). After that I worked fine.
I spotted that when I doing a curl with -vvv option on. Still don’t know when this got added. I installed cntlm for testing purposes. Maybe that inserted this entry, as this is the only proxy related thing I did around that time.

JPQL with left outer join

To remind my self!
@OneToOne @JoinColumn(name = "pk_column_name_in_main_table", referencedColumnName = "column_name_in_depeding_table", insertable = false, updatable = false) public Description getDescription() { return this.description; }

@Column(name = " column_name_in_depeding_table", nullable = true)
public int getDescriptionId() { return descriptionId; }
@Column(name ="language) Public String getLanguage(){return language;}

Now if I want something like

Select * from main m join depending d on m.pk_column_in_main_table = d.column_name_in_depending_table where d.column_name_in_depending_table is null

You have to put the where-criteria directly into the „left join“ condition of the jqpl query. If you do it like in SQL and put it in the where-clause, JPA (or at least Eclipselink, haven’t tried Hibernate) creates and „old-style“ (ANSI-89) style query, where the join condition is put in the where-clause and you won’t get any results!

@NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = Main.FIND_BY_ID, query = "SELECT c FROM Main c left join c.description des on des.language = :language where = :id")}

Install Influx 1.7. on Raspian Stretch

As I have the latest zwave version 3.0 running, which only is supported by Raspian Strecth, the default InfluxDB that gets installed is version 1.0.2 and not the latest (1.7.x as of 8/2019). In order to get the correct version on your Raspberry, do the following
1. Add „deb stretch stable“ to „/etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list“ 2. sudo apt-get update 3. sudo apt-get install influxdb 4. systemctl unmask influxdb.service 5. Enable Influx on boot: sudo systemctl enable influxdb 6. sudo systemctl start influxdb